Tuesday 30 December 2014

5 Tips on Writing an Exceptional CV

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If you are applying for a new job, nothing can be more important for you than your CV. This is the ticket to the job of your dreams, and therefore, you cannot compromise on quality. A great looking CV, which is able to drive attention towards you, is just the thing you need to get your foot in the door. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this is the one thing that they cannot get right. Here’s how you can ensure that your CV does not find its way into the trash pile of a prospective employer.

     1. Get Your Basics Right – Research shows that the average time a recruiter spends looking at your resume ranges from 5 to 7 seconds, and this is all the time you get to capture the recruiter’s attention. Therefore, you should spend some time on the format of your CV and make sure you are able to adequately highlight the sections that are most relevant to the recruiter. This could be the relevant skills, relevant experience, or relevant education and achievements. Use your own discretion.

2.       Presentation is Very Important – A survey shows that 76% of CVs are discarded because of un-professionalism. If you have an unprofessional email address, your CV is sure to be discarded. The chances of rejection grow to 88% if you have an unprofessional photograph on the CV. Your CV is not your social networking profile. Let the employer know you are professional, through the presentation, language and structure of your CV – which is a formal document for all intents and purposes.

3.       Length Matters – Most recruiters have scores of CVs to go through. If you send a 5 page resume, the weight of it would be daunting enough for the recruiter to discard it. A great CV is not only professional, but also clear and concise. It conveys what it intends to in very clear terms, without being contrite. Do not aim for length, in fact, try to keep everything as short and sweet as possible.

4.       Understand the Job – Last year, of all the jobs applied to through internet portals, only 35% of applicants were actually qualified for the posting. This means, most candidates would apply to a job without even being certain about the requirements of the job. This does not bode well for them. Therefore, even if they have a stellar CV, the document is simply not tailored to the needs of the recruiter, and therefore, is of no use.

5.       Tailor Your CV – Each job demands a specific skill set and experience. If you understand what the job entails, and know it is suitable for you, do not make the mistake of sending out a generic CV. Instead, tailor it for the posting and make sure the employer knows why they should hire you for the advertised position.

With these simple tips, you should be able to beat the competition and make sure that your CV stands out. If you follow these tips to the letter, your CV wont have to ultimately end up in a discarded pile with those who may be less qualified, experienced or suitable for the role you applied for. 

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Friday 19 December 2014

Banking and Finance Industry Growth in 2015 Year

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According to a recently published collaborative report by CII-KPMG, India’s banking and finance sector is gaining ground rapidly and is poised to become the fifth largest in the world by the year 2020. It the growth continues along the present trends, the industry would easily be the third largest by 2025.  This is certainly good for incumbents who are looking to be a part of this industry, which is currently valued at Rs. 81 Trillion.

With the banking and insurance sector becoming more technology savvy, communicating with the masses and making tailor made products for investors and the general public, there would be a growing need for more employees across all sectors. Today, the Indian banking sector consists of 26 public sector banks, 20 private banks and 43 banks backed by foreign investors. In addition to this, there are 61 regional rural banks as well. India is also home to a whopping 90,000 credit cooperatives, spread across the country.

What Factors are Promoting the Growth of the Banking and Finance Industry?
An amendment to Banking Laws Bill was passed in 2012, and this amendment now allows the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to have a final say in issuing licenses to new banks. The Indian Government is also taking a very keen interest in the banking sector, pushing forward reforms to streamline the entire industry and create a shift in the style of operation. The adoption of IT is also building a close synergy between the two sectors, creating unique opportunities for IT professionals with a financial background, or vice versa.

Growth of the Insurance Sector
The life insurance industry in India is giving momentum to the entire BSFI industry. Today, in India, this sector is poised to grow at a CAGR of 14.1 per cent. While in 2011, the industry was valued at US$ 66.5 billion, it is set to reach US$ 111.9 billion in 2015 (data released by BRICS). The 2014-15 budget has already increased tax exemption of life insurance products, fueling increased interest in the industry. Health insurance is the second largest segment in the country and players from both private and public sectors are actively involved in it. Since 2010, the Indian health insurance industry has experienced a very major growth at a CAGR of 37.2%.

Recruitment Trends in BSFI Industry
With such a substantial growth in the industry, new jobs are being created every day. Judging by the growth rate of the industry, the industry will be creating 8.4 million jobs each year on a global scale, and the trend will only go upwards. In the next 5-10 years, the Indian BSFI industry, should have created 20 lack new jobs. Issuances of new licenses to banks and improved FDI regulations will spur a growth in opening up of new banks, which will be beneficial for those vying to get education in finance.  

According to Randstad India, the banking sector will be among the top job creators in India in both 2014 and 2015. Apart from the permanent roles, there will be a lot of opportunity for contractual employment as well. The highest increase of job opportunities will be in the positions of direct selling agents, mutual fund advisors, insurance agents and relationship and wealth managers.

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Thursday 11 December 2014

In Which Industry Should I Make my Career?

“Every child is gifted, they just unwrap their packages at different times” – Anonymous

There are many things common to this world, some things that we don’t like to be associated with and the others that we love to be a part of, but the only thing each and every one of us would like to be known for is our childhood. They say that stumble, fall and move forward but never look back, but having said that, everybody wants to go back and re live their childhood. Talking so much about the early days, the only people that make this dream come alive are the two forms of god – our parents. The oldest Goddess we know of is our Mother and we all would love to go back to that tender womb and float for another 9 months as fearlessly as the wind blows. It is said that the grandfather and the grandson have a common enemy, which is the father. A father, who wishfully has to portray the antagonist, is indeed the guiding force behind all that we are and all that we tend to achieve.
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ReKruiTIn.com - Helps in Career Decision
Slowly and gradually as we pass the phase and just join the ‘Gang of the Teenagers’, we enter a stage where we are forced onto a dilemma, A dilemma where the world wants to us become a certain kind and we have our own chain of thoughts. The world might want us to be the captain of the cricket team whereas we might have the simple plan to become a player who simply brings glory to the country come what may. Similarly, every student has a dream to become like somebody or pursue a profession which appeal to him. Interests varying from science, commerce, sports, arts and crafts, public speaking and so on and so forth are place in one platter and it is then for the student to decide and become the master of his own destiny. It is important to note here that teacher play a very crucial role in being our mentor, honing and polishing our skills along the way.
                   By the time one reaches high school, some students are lucky enough to be crystal clear in their thought process and chalk out their game plan for the coming future. On the other hand, most of students are still clueless about the industry they should pursue. One advice to all the students here is to not shy away from this important phase in life and just leave their fate hanging on a couple of marks. Good marks are important but good knowledge and education is the most important. Therefore, an advice to all the students at this tipping point is to follow their hearts and excel in whatever they are good at. Along with studying the routine study courses, we need to broaden our spectrum and be open to many other avenues because of the plethora of options available to us. Growth in industries like aeronautics, water management, environment studies have also widened the scope for students. India’s Mars mission is one example of changing times for the country and a welcome sign for students interested in space studies. Diseases like Ebola are on the rise every now and then and the country needs students who are willing to research on such things along with other environmental issues. Also, with the advent of ‘Make In India’, India’s manufacturing industry is set to thrive in the coming future and a lot of employment will be generated.

                   Sometimes, students fear to travel the path less travelled but success is guaranteed if a person always believes in oneself and one is bound to excel if he pursues whatever he is best at. Hardships will definitely follow but always remember that there is no sunrise without darkness and bad days are bound to followed by good days. So, people, go out in the wild, wear your heart on your sleeve, start expressing yourself, live your dreams, fear none but do  remember to strive and work hard, harder and hardest. 

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Friday 5 December 2014

Professional Resume - Plays Vital Role in Job Search

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Never underestimate the importance of a good resume. Your resume is your first impression and first impression counts. Your Resume is the first impression that the employer has of you. This is the means to attract the attention of the employer. It can either make the situation or break the situation. So if your resume is not working contact a professional resume writer.
According to the statistics an employer gives few seconds on a particular resume. Hence it becomes extremely important that it is presented in a way that it makes a good impression. Due to scarcity of employment opportunities, the job market has become very competitive. To make your resume unique so that it stands out among others it is imperative to have a professional resume. It will have the best chances of grabbing the employer’s attention. Getting a Professional Resume is a sort of investment that you make in yourself. This in turn is a future investment as it will help you secure your dream job. So don’t think and invest in yourself.
A resume tells everything about you. It shows the employers who you are. It tells them about your qualifications, capabilities, strengths, and your past experience and thus gives them a reason to hire you. 
Why get a Professional Resume? The opportunity will knock at your door only once. So don’t waste it. The professional resume writers are well aware of what the Employers look for. They will present you in the best professional way. While getting a professional resume written you will also be able to find out your strengths and build up a confidence in yourself. What better way to prepare yourself for an interview.
Another important advantage of a professional resume is that it will fetch you more interviews. And who knows you get hired soon. Professional resume has helped many. People have attained higher positions, got a huge increment and many of them managed to get their dream jobs. They secured the job that brings out the best in them and they enjoy doing it. And above all you are paid for what you enjoy – what else can you ask for.
Get your Dream JobEvery company wants a resume.  The HR personnel of a company look at innumerable resumes and then pick out only a few for an interview. This shows the importance your resume carries. It makes you stand out in a crowd. The sooner you get yourself a professional resume writer, the sooner your chances are of getting hired. A professional resume in the hands of your employer puts across you as a serious candidate for the position. It tells the employer that you have the required skills for the position and you will be a perfect fit.

So get a Professional Resume writer today. Writing is their capability. They are the ones who can put the right words for you and to get the job you have been looking for. It will attract the attention of the prospective employers and they will be anxious to meet you.

Monday 1 December 2014

Career Growth of IT industry in Year 2015

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Fresh graduates entering the job market are always concerned about the growth prospects and career growth in their chosen field during the coming years. These fears are especially warranted when one looks at the nature of global economies and how they have behaved in the recent past. Lay-off's have been common during the recent global economic slowdown. However, there are some jobs and careers that are considered ‘recession proof’. Fortunately for those, training in Information.

Technology (IT) or already in the field after their education, a Career in IT can be very rewarding.
Even during a recession, jobs don’t necessarily dry out. However, expectations in terms of career growth and remunerations may have to be mellowed down a little. Still, due to technology becoming a driver in the growth of businesses, IT technology will continue to grow despite the slowdown in global economies. The year 2015 would be a year for software developers. With changing trends in business process technologies, and more and more businesses turning towards iterative technologies to steer their enterprise, a career in IT can definitely help you reap favourable returns.

Despite the recent economic downturn, where many businesses shut their doors and many people lost their jobs, labour specialists, economists, the associations of colleges and employees report that several businesses are offering signing bonuses and lucrative salaries to attract and retain the best talent in the field of IT.

The median salaries in the IT sector depend on the profile you choose. In India, the average salary for a Senior Software Engineer is about Rs. 613,376. An entrant in the field can expect to earn Rs. 371,088. Project managers in IT have a higher salary band of about Rs 11,79,036 and a Software Developer should hope to earn about Rs 3,47,824 while starting out their careers. Junior Business Analysts in the IT sector have an average salary of Rs 605,604 while a Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer can hope to earn anywhere between Rs 628,944 to Rs 12,00,000 per annum. These salaries have shown an upward trend, and there is no reason to believe that this trend may falter in the coming years.

With the advent of technologies such as Big Data and cloud computing, more jobs are being created for IT professionals every year. The higher specialization you have, more would be the growth prospects for you. The more experience you have, the more salaries you would be drawing. The career growth is tremendous, and there are opportunities to move to offshore locations as well. A lot of employees have sought positions overseas while working with their Indian companies. This would not only help you get international experience, but would also help you attract higher salaries and give more weight to your resume.

With everything moving to the cloud today, there is no doubt that even web developers would experience a surge in their demand and get better career career prospects. So if you are looking to make a career or advance in IT, this is just the right time because the sector is growing at an unprecedented rate.

Monday 24 November 2014

5 Steps To Change Your Career

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5 Steps To Change Your Career 
Let’s say we do a reality check: friends – great; kids – doing well; health – the mid riff could be a lot better (or should I say flatter) but overall good; Career – hmmm – not sure????

Well here’s the thing, when everything is just okay - it is not okay. Once you reach the mid-life milestone, and realize that there is more to life than having a steady paycheck;  this is when you stop to think of what is that you want from life and where do you think you are heading.
Ergo, if you are one of those who wants to trade your mundane desk job to chase your adventurous dream then here’s how you do it:

1. List out your ‘Whys’ 
Most often the answer to ‘how’ you go about something lies in the ‘why’ you want to change. So firstly, identify why you would want to change and your plan will automatically be laid out. For instance, let us say that you rreason to change is because you clinch at the very thought of writing boring code for software applications day in and day out. Your reason is boredom. How do you alleviate this monotony? Simple, list out the things that interest you and choose the one that you are really passionate about. For instance, Vinay Raghavan, a Hardware Specialist, in an IT firm quit his boring job to grow and nurture bonsai's. An unusual career, you might say, but that passion is what led him to make big bucks at an untapped market and what more, he is not ‘bored’ any more.

2. Chalk out a plan
When Boman Irani asked Priyanka Chopra on how she managed to achieve so much in life, right from becoming a model to Ms. World; growing into a successful actress and now a poet and singer with a chart busting album, she very humbly said that it just happened; that opportunities just came her way. Saying that, she also admitted that she had a plan and back-up plans, so if becoming ‘A’ didn't work out then she would need to work towards excelling at ‘B’. So if a 32 year old ‘Achiever’with an in-flow of successful career options has plans and back-up plans, then a 43 year old ‘Software Developer’ who has only known how to perform one task for most of his productive life, definitely needs a robust strategy before plunging into change.

3. Build a network of Business Contacts
The importance of networking cannot be stressed enough. Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. Merely adding a business card to your address book is not enough, building and nurturing relationships is key. Also, keep in mind that the least expected contact can bring you a world of opportunity. So, according to you, the chef that you met at the recent flea market that you attended, may not add any value to your ‘Interior Designing’ business. Well, it just so turns out, that his brother was remodelling his villa and because you invested the time in building a strong association with him, who do you think he called first!

4. Make an Informed decision
Pursuing one’s passion is a romantic ideal, but jumping into it just because you want to do it, can lead to frustration. Ideally once you have made your list of career options, chalk out the advantages and disadvantages of each. Take your time and research each subject in detail. Speak to your peers, or people in a similar business to gauge the nuances of starting such an enterprise. Determine the right path for you, only after fully weighing the pros and cons.

5.  Improve your skills
When you have decided on the path that you want to pursue, it would make sense to take weekend classes and get certified. Remember, people always trust a credible source, so investing in a course on ‘Social Media Marketing’ will only enhance your prospects on landing digital marketing deals from top firms.

Follow the steps above and take the road less travelled Un-flurried. Believe in yourself and remember it is never too late to change!

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Thursday 20 November 2014

Hard Talk :Jobseeker's Vs Recruiter's

Hard Talk: Jobseeker Vs Recruiter
Identifying the best candidates is the biggest challenge that any recruiter takes for sure as far as Jobs in India are considered. In contrast, it is left for the candidate to choose and get along with the most reliable employer where the career could be grown with ease. Remaining in a win-win situation is something that is needed for the prospects for sure. Perhaps, it is necessary that you learn more about the kind of dialogue that commonly takes place a recruiter and job seeker such as the one given below:

Recruiter: Hello!
Job seeker: Hello!
Recruiter: Could you introduce yourself?
Job seeker: My name is ‘X’. I hail from ‘Y’ and have completed my degree in Computers. I have ‘n’ years of experience in managing computer security with ample ease.
Recruiter: It seems that you are employed in a prestigious company already. Any specific reasons to quit the company.
Job seeker: I am looking for better employment opportunities. My current pay package in the firm will not be able to serve my purpose and I cannot handle my future requirements.
Recruiter: How do justify your selection in the organization?
Job seeker: Given an opportunity to work in this organization, I will perform to the best of my abilities. My communication skills of getting along amicably with one and all will be one of the best assets that I got.
Recruiter: You look very promising. We consider you for our organization. Would you like to say anything else?
Job seeker: I am very grateful to you for selecting me for the key post. I will retain the company values and work towards further success of the organization.
Recruiter: Congratulations!
Job seeker: Thank you!

The above dialogue normally takes place between an employer or recruiter and the job seeker in general. However, there are situations during which the outcome is never positive always. The recruiter feels that somehow the candidate is not fit for the job applied. Also, there might be more than one candidate for the top job. Taking a crucial decision in this regard without hurting anyone emotionally is one of the biggest challenges experienced by the recruiters in general. Learning about the process of recruitment by focusing upon all additional features in detail will help the recruiter in getting the best results for the firm in an exact manner as desired.

Meanwhile, the job seeker must understand the ways to approach the interview board. Casual way of answering and shoddy body language need to be avoided for sure. Proper grooming physically and mentally is necessary in order to impress the interviewer for sure. Perhaps, this proactive approach will help in getting the right job opportunity that the candidate has been eagerly looking for. Also, maximum care has to be taken in detailing about CTC, job profile and key skills as the recruiters are more interested in such aspects. Referring to the common interview questions that are available online with respect to freshers and experienced professionals before and after Job Posting will prove to be most effective as well  

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Friday 17 October 2014

Get Known to the Job Trends in Mumbai and Pune

Learning more about the job trends in Mumbai and Pune, the two most economically stable cities of Maharashtra, will ensure that you carve a unique professional niche for yourself in style. Perfect access to multiple opportunities is possible not just in local firms but also in international companies as well. Choosing a perfect atmosphere of working too is easily possible there due to which you get to organize your personal preferences in the simplest manner possible. Hence, it is necessary to have maximum focus upon those cities before applying to Jobs in India as per your qualifications.

Established IT Market In Mumbai
Maximum people across in India are known to choose Mumbai as their favorite hub to work. Perhaps, there are several reasons attributed to this notion such as a favorable working atmosphere and perfect living conditions. Living a dream life that you have always expected is best possible in Mumbai with the consideration of top amenities in an exact manner that you anticipate. Banking sector too appears promising with major banks of public and private sectors operating actively in the region such as Bank Of Maharashtra, Syndicate Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank.
Infosys, TCS and Wipro are the IT majors that are known to function in a full-fledged manner in the city. Perhaps, there are maximum number of IT guys who prefer Mumbai as their ultimate destination due to the diversity of life to be experienced there. More number of graduates and professionals prefer working in Mumbai coming from far off locations such as Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Jaipur and other cities. Understanding the booming job market is best possible when you go through the latest economic and financial journals of India where Mumbai is mentioned in the first place.

Emerging Economic Status Of Pune Job Market
With the increasing number of people seeking employment opportunities in Maharashtra, it comes as a pleasant surprise to know that Pune is considered on par with Mumbai. Perhaps, there are more number of people who expect to have a peaceful living in this serene city. Having been closer to Mumbai is another advantage for Pune when compared to other cities. Checking out various regular employment opportunities will ensure that you come across the best ones in Pune as per the exact needs you got. Checking out several offers in a comprehensive manner will let you prefer the best Pune jobs with ease.

General Motors, Fiat, Volkswagen and other firms have empowered the automobile sector in the city. Finding the best job offers in such firms having global reputed is never tough with maximum options available for the suitable candidates whenever they desire. Regular employment notifications are displayed online for your increased benefits due to which you get across the best results in an exact manner that you anticipate the most. All you need is to consider the available options for your employment prospects allowing you to earn a fat pay package easily. Latest job trends and recruitment services that you observe in Mumbai and Pune will reflect this specific aspect with ease.

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Discover Highlights of Chennai : Culture, Economy and Jobs

Chennai is one of the vibrant cities not just in South India, but in the country as well with multicultural societies prevalent actively. Perhaps, it is because of this reason that people get to witness vibrant cultural aspects reflecting the diversified living prospects. The land of Cholas is not the same anymore with rapid developments taken place spanning several centuries. The region gone major change after the British rule with English education coming into prominence, which has changed the fate of the city like any other in India. People in Chennai are hardworking and fun loving because of which outsiders get adjusted quickly without any complaints.

Culture Of Chennai At A Glance
Chennai culture boasts of a varied heritage ensuring that people understand about it easily and get adapted to it perfectly. Carnatic music is for the music lovers who prefer classical features to other trends. Kollywood is the local film industry, which has changed the fortunes of the city to the core. Meanwhile, there are several dancers who contribute actively for the development of the culture. Bharatnatyam is the official dance form, which is highly popular across the country. Notable artists related to music, dance, and movies are from the region who have attained not just national but also international fame quickly.

Economy Of Chennai For Your Knowledge
Multiple sources have been identified as generating more revenue for the state exchequer. Tourism industry in the region thrives to the core with regular tourists in large numbers and from foreign locations establishing their strategic base in the region. Marina Beach and Golden Beach are the two popular beaches in the region attracting more visitors each year. Several such landmark attractions are present in the city resulting in more income for the city to the core. Learning more about such details will provide you with a clear picture of Chennai economy with ease.

 Job Market In Chennai For Aspirants Comprehensively
Realizing your dreams of making it big in the IT industry begins from Chennai with ease with effective recruitment services available always. Perhaps, there are several IT and BPO chains that have been performing actively in the region generating maximum income for the city’s development. Perhaps, any job aspirant looking forward to get settled in Chennai will be able to realize maximum benefits with the inclusion of several features in an exact manner as desired. Compromising with the quality standards is something what that has to be avoided always. Perfect quality standards maintained in this regard proves to be most effective on an overall with ease.


IT job aspirants will be able to eke a comfortable living in Chennai matching their budget standards with ease with Top Job Site in India posting jobs there. People who would like to display their talent levels reflecting other fields such as movies, tourism, sports and other fields too will be able to realize maximum benefits with ease. On an overall, it need to be noted that Chennai is the ultimate place for you in case you prefer settling down in a peaceful location with ease.

By ReKruiTIn Team

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Develop a Mindset for Success with your Next Job Interview!

Job Interview
Becoming successful at interview you attend is something more than what you need to think after receiving responses from Top Job Site in India regularly. However, you need to develop that positive attitude because of which you could attend a crucial interview with confidence in order to get your dream job for sure. Numerous candidates who have failed at various interviews have been able to successfully groom themselves because of which they succeeded in getting the best job as they prefer. Realizing numerous aspects in detail for your increased benefits will let you come across the best results as per the given situation. With the development of a positive mindset, you get to obtain the best job at your next interview.

Clear Your Doubts Before Interview
Preparing yourself completely to attend the interview with confidence is what you need to prefer in the first place. Checking out several aspects in detail such as the realization of successful interview process too will let you achieve the desired objective for sure. It is a known fact that maximum competition is experienced in the corporate world due to which getting the best results becomes highly critical until and unless you have proper preparation in place in a proactive manner. Getting job at the first interview attended is not possible even for the best of the candidates. With the inclusion of proactive analysis, it is possible to explore ultimate features as per the given situation.

Overcome Fear With Proper Practice Already
Getting shivers before and at the time of attending interviews is not a good sign. Perhaps, this is a great turnoff for the employers and recruiters as well because of which your chances of being selected will be highly affected. Perfect practising of the interview along with proper body language will prove to be most effective for you representing your requirements in a timely fashion as per the exact needs you got on the whole. Proper planning is necessary as well so that there are no sudden situations during which you go with a blank mind. Online interview patterns are available for your quick reference based upon which you could draw some inspiration.

Apart from the above methods of dealing with complex interview process, you need to maintain your calm and display a composed personality because of which the best results are obtained as per the given situation. Having a positive attitude before and after attending for the interview in the same way will prove to be the key for your chances of getting selected for the applied job. Meanwhile, the role of recruitment services in providing you with the best job opportunities based upon your qualifications and experience too can never be overlooked. Checking your crucial performance features on a regular basis too will let you come across the best results as per the given situation. All you need is to consider the best available options as per the given situations offering you more benefits in the long run without foregoing upon the job offers available to you.

By ReKruiTIn Team

Friday 26 September 2014

Common Misconceptions about Recruiter’s Mind

Misconception about Recruiter's Mind
A recruiter represents the face of the organization as far as quality manpower is considered with respect to best recruitment services. Imagine a candidate without proper qualifications or performance recruited into a company for a key role. If the company suffers because of the inability of the candidate, then it is not just the failure of the candidate but also the recruiter as well. However, given below are the common misconceptions about a recruiter’s mind.

·         Recruiters represent organizations and not candidates.
This is the biggest myth ever related to the work of a recruiter. Though there is hardly any truth in this conception that a recruiter looks after the interests of the organization alone, the responsibility of a recruiter is to standby a candidate as well in order to ensure that the performance is exceptional to the core.

·         Recruiters have a magic wand to get best resumes on their desk.
Perhaps, this is totally illogic as it might appear that the job of a recruiter is very easy. The actual fact is that a recruiter does a lot of research and exercise in the background to find the best candidate profiles. In fact, the process of recruiting as refined as resume writing as all qualifications of the candidate has to be taken into account before hiring. The entire process is very exhaustive as there are thousands of profiles that need to be checked into to get the eventual results.

·         Recruiters leave your CVs in the open market without permission
Imagine that you have applied for a key role in an organization by sending your CV and a couple of copies of them. If you are not selected for the desired job, then you might never bother about asking your CV back hoping for a future call. However, there are candidates who think that recruiters pass such CVs into the open job market. This situation never happens as recruiters known the value of each candidate.

·         All recruiters get paid same way and in bulk
It is not easy to recruit the right candidate for the top post. A lot of aspects have to be considered in detail in order to ensure that the best candidate has been chosen. Every recruiter owns certain kind of responsibility and gets paid on the basis of performance and experience as is the case with any other field. Earning maximum is possible only when the tasks assigned are accomplished with utmost perfection.

·         Recruiters are not responsive and behave rudely

Though it might appear exactly the same way, this is the biggest misconception that prevails among the minds of jobseekers for sure. However, the situation is totally opposite of what it is perceived in general. Perhaps, there are recruiters who are known to go through each and every CV carefully and respond to the query in an appropriate manner. Appearing politely is a part of the job of the recruitment. However, there could be slighter variations depending upon the personal mindset of each recruiter.

By ReKruiTIn Team

Monday 22 September 2014

Master your Resume in 5 Simple Steps

Creating a Master resume is not as easy as one perceives as the process is associated with several aspects in a detailed manner. Displaying your advanced Resume Writing skills in an effective manner will let you come across the best features in an advanced manner that you anticipate the most. Experienced resume writers need to be hired in order to ensure that you get more mileage.

1.      Highlight Your Accomplishments
Perhaps, you must have done several jobs in the past with more achievements in your prolific career. You have got few seconds or minutes to impress a recruiter. Getting all your qualifications and achievements reflected in the resume is not an easy to manage for sure. However, highlighting all your accomplishments will do the trick for you with ease. Each accomplishment could be divided further in case you feel that it falls short.

2.      Working On Job Description
Most job aspirants display a lethargic attitude when it comes to Job Description in comparison to Job Title. Perhaps, the same is displayed by the recruiters as well. Your job profile might be totally discarded as well in case the description has not been mentioned in a crisp fashion. Getting the best resume writer will prove to be most beneficial to you in this regard. Action verbs that you use creatively will bring in maximum attention as far as job description is considered.

3.      Explore Your Core Strengths
Appeasing resume in an instant manner could be prepared by garnering the attention of recruiters only when you mention your core strengths in a provocative manner. Remember that mere inclusion of your skills in the resume is not enough, but you need to project in the right manner in order to grab the attention of the recruiters to a maximum extent for sure. More focus should be upon your key skills as they are your actual core strengths instead of other jobs and roles.

4.      Using Descriptive Phrases When Needed
Crisp resume writing skills may not work everywhere. Perhaps, there are situations during which a recruiter feels that you must have elaborated your role regarding a crucial job position. Any lethargy that you display might affect your chances of getting the job dearly. Remaining attentive about when to use descriptive phrases is very important. Choose a couple of phrases and filter them out based upon your exact qualifications and experience.

5.      Creating The Master Resume

Taking above aspects into consideration along with several others in addition will let you organize your preferences in an exact manner that you consider. The way you design the format of your resume in order to include key skills based upon your achievements and skills will reflect the master resume in an eventual manner. By posting such a resume complete in all respects on  the Top Job Site in India with regular updates, it is possible to gain the best job opportunity in an ideal manner that you expect.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

8 Hurdles Fresher’s Commonly Face

Fresh candidates who newly begin their professional career face a lot of problems that need to be overcome with confidence and training along with best Resume Writing concepts. Given below are some of the common problems that they face as far as joining an organization is taken into account.

    1.      Lack of Proper Communication Skills
Most of the candidates begin on a high note in any organization. However, the robust environment makes them to be in the backseat unable to cope with the work pressure as well. Improving communication skills in an exceptional manner will help them in dealing with such problematic situations without going through any major complications as well.

Recruiters and officials on the interview board expect the candidates to be agile and to the point. However, there are numerous freshers who take the interview in a casual manner. This creates a bad impression upon their candidacy because of which the opportunity could be lost. Generating the best response with positive attitude is necessary during interviews.

3.      Poor Preparation Of Resume
At a time when master resumes are making rounds in the recruitment industry, the role of normal resumes has got hardly any role to play. Though you might have good skills and exceptional qualifications to boast for sure, the lack of a matching resume in this context will heavily come down upon your job opportunities for sure.

4.      No Focus Upon References And Recommendations
Getting selected into the top firm requires you to have enough references for instant consideration of your job proposal. The candidates who have recommendations have the higher chances of getting recruited into the top firms. However, they are not compulsory as recruiters never depend upon them alone in order to absorb a candidate into the firm.

5.      Aptitude Test Blues For Candidates
There are certain candidates who display their skills in an exceptional manner. However, the lack of proper strategies towards aptitude test casts a greater impact upon their career because of which top opportunities forego them. Instead of facing such a drastic situation, it is necessary to develop the best aptitude skills in order to remain a winner always.

6.      Convincing HR Personnel As Expected
HR representatives are a tough nut to crack is the general industry notion. Perhaps, it could be true to some extent as they need to consider talent acquisition from a broader perspective by checking various qualities of the candidates in an ideal fashion. Taking any risks in this regard might prove to be problematic, which might affect the entire organization’s performance.

7.      Technical Details Of Subjects
Most of the freshers lack practical experience because of which they lack the technical expertise needed. By taking care of the situation in detail, it is possible to come across the best results in an exact manner anticipated. Maximum focus is necessary upon various aspects so that the premium features could be realized as per the given situation.

8.      Getting Depressed For Not Getting Right Job

Many candidates get psychologically affected due to the lack of proper job that reflects their educational qualifications. Instead of waiting endlessly for the right job, it is necessary that you compromise and get the current job so that you could hone your skills perfectly by applying for the right Jobs in India accordingly.

Friday 5 September 2014

When Should You Quit your Job!

Think beyond practical boundaries and set out to fizzle. Build your own particular dreams, or another person will contract you to assemble theirs. It is never past the point where it is possible to be what you may have been. Never work only for cash or for force. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night. Diligent work is terrible when life is without reason. Be that as it may when you live for an option that is more prominent than yourself and the delight of your own sense of self, then diligent work turns into a work of adoration.

The truth of the matter is that once you begin searching for counsel about leaving Job in India. Are your physical needs, your passionate needs, your mental needs, and your profound needs being fulfilled?

Steady pushed about work? Despite the fact that you don't fit in at the workplace? Accomplished verbal misuse at work? No more space for development? Truth be told, as indicated by me, these are simply a couple of the signs that now is the ideal time to leave your employment. Occupation is not adjusts to their long haul objectives. Aptitudes are not being tapped. Administration doesn't recognize plans are not being listened. In the event that your thoughts are no more heard or esteemed exhausted and stagnating at your employment.

You feel like you can't win
In the event that you discover your part has ended up confounding, or that individuals in senior administration circumstances give clashing input, you may need to begin considering your next move. Nobody needs to be stuck in a circumstance where they can't win and if a vocation makes you feel like this why not takes a gander at proceeding onward? Your occupation ought to make you feel invigorated and tested, he says. "Like you are succeeding in an option that is instead of like you are battling a losing fight and not accomplishing anything."

You've lost interest

Your employment ought to keep you tested and captivated, yet in the event that you're rationally looked at when you ought to be working, its likely not a decent fit any longer. "It's paramount that your employment pushes you and keeps you intrigued," he says. On the off chance that your current position doesn't rouse you, it may be time to search for one that does.

You question every move.

Everybody sets aside a few minutes to time, however in the event that you second figure each choice you make at work; your job is likely making more tension than its value. When you get to the phase where you question what you're stating and you're pondering whether individuals around the table will concur with you, proceed onward. You ought to be sure at work; not never-endingly apprehensive.

Misery to go office?  Mobile switches off commonly? Going late commonly? Taking numerous clears out? Need enthusiasm in work? Hate the individuals you .work-related anxiety is influencing your well-being. Work execution is enduring. In case you're generally won't gainful at work, no more have great work-life offset.

Everybody has terrible days at work. We every have cycle when our occupations in India are exhausting, baffling, or excessively distressing. We can begin to consider stopping, actually looking at occupation destinations to see what's out there. It winds up being an exceptionally extreme informed decision — when is the time right to move on?

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Tuesday 1 July 2014

How to Build a Sound Interpersonal Relationship

To survive in today’s society, it is really important to have a good relationship with each other. Interpersonal relationship is nothing but one’s ability to relate with other people. Interacting, understanding and communicating are the three major aspects of building a sound interpersonal relationship. Relationship either in personal life or professional life does affect the progress of an individual, and an organization as a whole. It can be your family relations or a customer relationship with your client or customer. Even in the organization you work for, you have to interact with people, understand them, and communicate effectively to get things done. The criterion of relationship comes into picture everywhere in one’s life, from your child hood to the end of your life. So, let us look into the aspects of building a strong interpersonal relationship.

Depending on the situation and its significance, always learn to smile for starting a healthy relationship. The first time you meet your client or any person who is familiar or unfamiliar, smile, it is the first step in relationship building, which conveys your positive attitude towards the relationship. Being honest and true every time may not be possible at all odd times but, being so at important times will win you the trust of other person. Whenever it is a challenging situation, truth is the only way to hold it then, it is better to be truthful and honest in sharing opinions or thoughts.

To win the other person around it is really important to understand their opinions, feelings or concerns. One has to be a good listener to understand other person better. For example, if you want to have the benefit of profits in business, how will you achieve that without knowing the needs of your customer? What is the use when you produce a quality product which is of no use to him? Listening to his need is important. If you respond to his need, then you will not only have the benefit of profits but also can have the customer satisfaction, as a result of which, you can even win their hearts. So is the relationship, it is really important to listen to the other person, if you have to understand and respond to him. Listen to them without switching the topic or use any kind of diversions. Be fair enough in paying attention. This would add a genuine weight to your relationship, result it in a better and a stronger bond. You can notice that every time they need something, they will try to reach you out. Once the customer or the person is happy and satisfied, one can see their willingness to get back again and again. Don’t be rude or snap someone to submission in a dialogue. This will affect your relation very badly and may lead to a total loss both personally and professionally in your business. Think win-win and it will surely win you a better relation with profit. Log on to ReKruiTIn for more details regarding maintaining a good relationship.

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Saturday 21 June 2014

Essential in Today's Recruitment Process- Candidate Verification

In today’s world, it has become very essential to verify the credentials of the candidates before recruiting them. At times, the job seekers do not provide correct information about themselves, in their resumes, due to a variety of reasons. Also, they fail to disclose the true nature of their previous jobs and the reasons for which they had left those jobs. Hence, organizations need to include candidate verification in the recruitment process so that they can be assured that the jobseekers have provided correct information in their job applications and resumes.

Why is it required?

There are various reasons why candidate verification is required these days. They are:
1) To verify the identity of the candidates - when an individual applies for a job, you can never be sure if the jobseeker has revealed his or her true identity. In many cases, the people looking for employment may hide their true identity, if they have committed any crime in the past. This is why, it is important to verify the identity of the job seekers to ensure that you do not end up hiring people with criminal records.

2) To verify that they are qualified - even though a jobseeker might produce a document showing that he or she has completed any particular degree or diploma, you can never be sure that the document is real. Hence, it is important that your organization verifies if the candidate is actually qualified so that he or she can handle the responsibilities associated with the job position. If they document provided is fake, the candidate will not be able to do justice to the job position.

3) To comply with legal requirements - these days, laws in different countries require the employers to verify the identity of each and every employee. You can never be certain if an individual is associated with terrorism, money laundering or other criminal activities. Hence, your organization needs to verify their credentials before hiring them so that you are able to adhere to the laws in your country.

How is verification done?

There are many private firms which conduct candidate verification on behalf of various employers. They are very thorough and they ensure that each and every detail provided by the jobseekers is verified. They usually charge a certain amount of fee, which may not be too high given the fact that they provide a very important service. The agencies also check the criminal background of the jobseekers to ensure that they do not have any criminal records. 

By ReKruiTIn.com Team

Monday 16 June 2014

Accomplished Resume Increase your chances of Employment

In today’s world, a book is usually judged by its cover. Gone are the days when the employers had a lot of time to know the job-seekers in person, before deciding whether to hire them. These days, companies have to interview hundreds of candidates at a time because of which they can only afford to spend a few minutes interviewing each candidate. Also, they often weed out candidates, based on their resumes, and only select those which are impressive. This is why, it is very important that you create an impressive resume so that your chances of employment are increased.
An accomplished resume will go a long way in ensuring that you are selected by the employers of your choice. In order to make sure that the resume or CV is complete, you should not forget to include the following information:

Personal data - It may seem obvious, but many candidates forget to include their name, e-mail address, telephone number and an address. You must be sure that this information is clearly marked at the top of your CV. If these details are not provided, you will not be able to make a good first impression.  Besides, the employer might doubt your professionalism and credibility if your personal data is not available in the CV.

Work Experience - This section includes any kind of work experience, starting from a seasonal job, to a volunteering experience. When listing these work experiences, it is important to include the job title, duration, responsibilities, company name, and your main achievement. Work experiences should be listed starting with the most recent. If you do not have any work experience, you can provide information about any community service, which you have been a part of, as a student.

Education - This is a very important part, as it will let the employers know, if you possess the required qualification for any particular job position. Do not forget to provide detailed information about your academic qualification, which should include information about the courses completed, duration of the course, the fields of study and the results obtained. Graduate students are also advised to provide information about the projects they have completed, especially if these projects are tied to the job position they are applying for.

Hobbies and interests - provide information about your favourite pastime like reading, watching movies, sports etc. Such information provides the employers with an insight into your personality.  Based on this information, they are able to get a glimpse of the kind of person you are. 

ReKruiTIn.com Team